Kweli Journal publishes four issues a year. 

        We read general submissions from September 1 through May 30. 

        We welcome original, unpublished work from emerging and established writers of color. Please check the website for details.

Simultaneous submissions are acceptable as long as they are indicated as such. Authors must immediately notify the editors if said work has been selected for publication in another periodical, either in print or online.

Kweli does NOT accept previously published work.


For prose submissions, submit one (1) short story or one (1) self-contained novel excerpt or creative non-fiction piece of no more than 5,000 words in one single file in doc., rtf, or .pdf format.

For poetry submissions, submit up to three poems totaling no more than 6 pages in one single file in doc., rtf, or .pdf format.

We primarily look for short stories, but novel excerpts are acceptable if self-contained.
We primarily look for personal essays, but memoir excerpts are acceptable if self-contained.
Send up to three poems at a time. Single-space, please; set your poem as you want it to appear on the printed page.
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Kweli Journal